Thursday, January 12, 2012

Further Analysis of Data on Meaningful Use Attestation

Comments on my previous post about the data on meaningful use attestation as well as emails, and conversations on social media have led me to want to show the specific data for inpatient and ambulatory attestations. I also include the excellent presentation to the HIT Policy Committee by Robert Tagalicod, Robert Anthony, and Jessica Kahn from CMS on their analysis of the data (including the element not available on - the money paid out in incentive payments). So first let's look at the Eligible Hospital attestations. Here are the top ten vendors on the inpatient side so far:

It is interesting that Cerner and Meditech are really doing great, while Epic is lagging so far on hospital attestations on the inpatient side, and it's important to note that HCA is using modular systems that incorporate much of Meditech's product. Here are the top ten vendors by attestation for EPs:

It appears that EPIC is by far the vendor with the greatest number of EP attestations (although I suspect that these are employed providers of large health systems). As the Medicaid programs are launched in all the states and those EPs attesting under AIU began to come in I suspect we will see greater numbers for vendors who are in smaller practices.

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